( Music © Lachlan McLeod.Lyrics © Lachlan McLeod / Sue Kentish )

The breast of mother nature offered with her love.
The milk of human kindness has overflowed the cup.
To hear the gentle splashin' of children in the tub
Lets me know there's peace in this valley.

Move into the silence and move onto your knees.
Listen to the Magpies callin' through the trees.
Hear the patience of an old man who understands my needs
I'm glad to say there's peace in this valley.
Yeah there's peace in this valley.

Did you know? All of our intentions and all that we desire
Marry with the water, the earth, the air and fire.
So let all of our intentions go to show that we aspire
Towards the peace I've found in this valley.
There's peace in this valley.
Yeah there's peace in this valley.

To hear the gentle beatin' in the valley of my heart
Lets me feel the peace in this valley.
There's peace in this valley.

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